The patients who had Billroth II gastric resections according to clinicopathological features of gastric stump cancer (GSC) were evaluated.
Seven cases of GSC treated between 1995 and 2005 years
were reviewed retrospectively.
In the study, there were 6 men and 1 woman enrolled and mean
age was 52.4±10.7 years. The time duration between Billroth-
II procedure and occurrence of GSC was 20.0±9.2 (6-31)
years. Five patients (71.4%) received a curative resection. Two
patients underwent a palliative resection because of peritoneal
seeding and lymph node conglomerates at the coeliac trunc.
Two patients who were classified stage IIIA performed curative
resection were disease free for 5 years.
It is necessary for the patients who received partial gastrectomy
to carry out the endoscopy follow-up, especially in patients
with Billroth II reconstruction procedure than 10 years.
Curative resection has to be the goal of surgical management
in patients with resectable GSC.