Sexual Counseling in Gynecological Cancers: A Case Report
Çiğdem BİLGE1,Ergül ASLAN1
1Department of Nursing, Istanbul University of Florence Nightingale School of Nursing, Women Health and Diseases Nursing, Istanbul-Turkey DOI : 10.5505/tjo.2018.1687 We present the sexual problems experienced by a patient undergoing gynecological cancer treatment and the effectiveness of sexual counseling in the PLISSIT model direction. Gynecological cancer patients being treated for a live presentation of cases where sexual problems and sexual counseling as described in this direction have been made. A 31-year-old, nulliparous, married patient presented at the Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine Gynecologic Oncology Outpatient Clinic with irregular menstruation. After pelvic examination was conducted, the patient who underwent conization process was diagnosed with stage IB1 cervical cancer, according to FIGO staging. Then, the patient, undergoing radical trachelectomy, received three fractions of brachytherapy at the Institute of Oncology at Istanbul University. Vaginal fistula developed in the patient after the surgery. The patient was given face-to-face sexual counseling. As a result of sexual counseling, sexual function of the patient improved and her sexual satisfaction level increased. Keywords : Gynecological cancer; sexual counseling